Most prevailing disabilities amongst youth are caused by mental health disorders.
Failing to provide timely support results in negative consequences such as suicide, substance abuse, or a lower effect of treatment once it is provided. However, there are many challenges to provide it due to the existing stigma on topics of mental health and the lack of knowledge in this sphere amongst youth.
Beautiful Mind International project aims to educate people what is mental health, its issues, and ways to overcome them.
Most prevailing disabilities amongst youth are caused by mental health disorders.
Failing to provide timely support results in negative consequences such as suicide, substance abuse, or a lower effect of treatment once it is provided. However, there are many challenges to provide it due to the existing stigma on topics of mental health and the lack of knowledge in this sphere amongst youth.
Beautiful Mind International project aims to educate people what is mental health, its issues, and ways to overcome them.
Take this 1-min quiz to find out what stresses you out. Get the free meditations’ app prepared by experts to address that!
The Mindfulness Challenge →
Key Activities
📱 For mobile devices: please tap on one of the titles below to expand it.
Communication Campaign
Training Courses
Self-exploration and Self-support Groups
Online Platfrom
Emotional Support Contacts
Final Event
It will identify the exact youth mental health issues and stigmas, the existing best practices and their effectiveness, available tools, and methodologies for teaching youth workers about psychological support for youth.
Communication Campaign
It will be carried out in order to destigmatize mental health issues.
Training Courses
It will enable youth leaders and youth workers to address youth mental health issues, share good practices and launch educational communication campaigns.
Self-exploration and Self-support Groups
Groups will include cognitive behavioural therapy, problem-solving therapy strategies and focus on teaching stress management, problem management, positive behaviours, social skills.
Online Platfrom
Online info bank with resources & contacts of mental health specialists from each partner country. As well as useful material and links to learn more about mental health, methodology, and learning tools (for youth workers) on how to support youth with mental health challenges.
Emotional Support Contacts
Įstaiga | VšĮ Antakalnio poliklinika | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikatos centras ir Jaunimo sveikatos centras | |
Kontaktai | Psichikos s. c. registratūra: (85) 234 7486
Jaunimo s. c.: Registracijos forma, jaunimui@antakpol.lt |
Antakalnio g. 59, LT-10207 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Vilniaus miesto psichikos sveikatos centras | |
Pagalba | Visi skyriai | |
Kontaktai | Priėmimas: (8 5) 261 7217
Registratūra: (8 5) 262 5979 Administracija: (8 5) 262 5569 |
Vasaros g. 5, LT-10309 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Centro poliklinika | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikatos klinika (PSK) ir Budinčio gydytojo tarnyba (BGT)
PSK ne darbo laiku psichologinę pagalbą teikia medicinos psichologas Budinčio gydytojo tarnyboje (BGT). |
Kontaktai | PSK: (8 5) 265 8564, (8 5) 244 2244
BGT: (8 5) 251 4063 |
Adresas: Vytenio g. 59, 3 aukštas
Adresas: Pylimo g. 3 (centrinis įėjimas) |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Vilniaus miesto klinikinės ligoninės poliklinika | |
Pagalba | Pirminės psichikos sveikatos priežiūros centras | |
Kontaktai | Registratūra: (8 5) 234 6154 | Adresas: Antakalnio g. 124 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Vilniaus psichoterapijos ir psichoanalizės centras | |
Pagalba | Visos paslaugos | |
Kontaktai | Registratūra: (8 5) 260 7636 | Adresas: Žalgirio g. 90 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Karoliniškių poliklinika | |
Pagalba | Jaunimo sveikatos centras ir Psichikos sveikatos centras | |
Kontaktai | Jaunimo s. c.: (8 6) 987 6991, (8 5) 245 8421
Psichikos s. c.: (8 5) 245 8417 Skubi pagalba: (8 6) 602 9183 |
Adresas: Loretos Asanavičiūtės g. 27A |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Šeškinės poliklinika | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikata | |
Kontaktai | (8 5) 250 2000 | Adresas: Šeškinės g. 24, LT-07156 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Naujosios Vilnios poliklinika | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikatos centras | |
Kontaktai | (8 5) 260 6860 | Adresas: V. Sirokomlės g. 8,
LT-11200 |
Įstaiga | UAB Romuvos klinika | |
Pagalba | Psichologo konsultacija,
Individuali psichoterapija ir kita pagalba → romuvosklinika.lt |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 3) 720 2048, (8 6) 442 2448 | Adresas: Rotušės a. 23,
LT-44279 |
Įstaiga | UAB Lotusmedica | |
Pagalba | Psichiatro konsultacija,
Psichoterapeuto konsultacija ir kita pagalba → Paslaugos |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 6) 965 9955 | Adresas: Statybininkų g. 16, LT-50120
Įstaiga | Psichologinės paramos ir konsultavimo centras (PPKC) | |
Pagalba | Paslaugos | |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 6) 732 2562 | Adresas: Laisvės al. 38c, LT-44240 |
Įstaiga | Vyrų Krizių Centras | |
Pagalba | vyrukrc.lt | |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 6) 368 1621 info@vyrukrc.lt | Adresas: K. Donelaičio g. 33-515 (5 aukštas) |
Įstaiga | Nervų sistemos tyrimų centras „Neuromeda” | |
Pagalba | Paslaugos Kaune, Paslaugos Vilniuje | |
Kontaktai | Adresas:
Tvirtovės al. 90A, Kaunas Trinapolio g. 9C, Vilnius |
Registracija: info@neuromedicina.lt
(8 6) 134 2780, kaunas@neuromeda.lt (8 6) 569 7046, vilnius@neuromeda.lt |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Kauno miesto poliklinika | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikata | |
Kontaktai | Įstaigos kontaktai | Centro padalinys |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Kauno ligoninė | |
Pagalba | Psichologinė pagalba | |
Kontaktai | (8 3) 730 6000, info@kaunoligonine.lt | Adresas: Josvainių g. 2, LT-47144 |
Įstaiga | Klaipėdos socialinės ir psichologinės pagalbos centras | |
Pagalba | Psichologinė ir teisinė pagalba | |
Kontaktai | (8 4) 635 0099 | Adresas: Smilčių g. 5 (II aukštas), LT-92277 |
Įstaiga | Klaipėdos psichikos sveikatos centras | |
Pagalba | Visos paslaugos | |
Kontaktai | (8 4) 641 0027 | Adresas:
Galinio Pylimo g. 3 |
Įstaiga | Dvasinės pagalbos jaunimui centras (DPJC) | |
Pagalba | Psichologinė pagalba | |
Kontaktai | (8 4) 636 0411, (8 6) 740 3450 | Adresas: Darželio g. 11,
LT-93195 |
Įstaiga | Klaipėdos pedagoginė psichologinė tarnyba | |
Pagalba | Teikiamos paslaugos
Daugiau → klaipedosppt.lt |
Kontaktai | (8 4) 634 2253, (8 6) 991 0201 | Adresas: Debreceno 41-1,
LT-94164 |
Įstaiga | Klaipėdos miesto visuomenės sveikatos biuras | |
Pagalba | Nemokamos psichologinio konsultavimo paslaugos (iki 5 konsultacijų) Klaipėdos miesto ir Neringos savivaldybių gyventojams. | |
Kontaktai | Registracija:
(8 4) 631 1423, (8 6) 409 3348 |
Įstaiga | Emocijų centras | |
Pagalba | Psichologo konsultacija
Psichologo konsultacija internetu Daugiau → emocijucentras.lt |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 6) 526 5976 | Adresas:
Taikos pr. 30-1A |
Įstaiga | Psichologijos studija (Irmina Čajauskienė) | |
Pagalba | Psichologijos paslaugos | |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 6) 991 2569 | Adresas:
Kanto g. 15-2 |
Įstaiga | Asmens sveikatos klinika (VšĮ Vilniaus psichoterapijos ir psichoanalizės centras, Panevėžio filialas) | |
Pagalba | Visos paslaugos | |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 6) 565 6428 | Adresas:
Nemuno g. 75, Nemuno g. 73, LT-37355 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Panevėžio miesto poliklinika | |
Pagalba | Psichologai ir Psichiatrai | |
Kontaktai | Registratūra: (8 4) 550 0690
Psichikos sveikatos centro registratūra: (8 4) 550 0641 |
Nemuno g. 75, LT-37355 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Panevėžio rajono savivaldybės poliklinika | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikatos centras | |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 4) 550 2224,
(8 4) 550 2223, (8 6) 177 2382 Sekretoriatas: (8 4) 550 2210 |
A. Jakšto g. 4, LT-35138 |
Įstaiga | Šeimos namai (Lietuvos agentūros „SOS vaikai“ Panevėžio skyrius) | |
Pagalba | Moterų Krizių Centras | |
Kontaktai | Skubi pagalba: (8 6) 998 6866
Tel. 576 544 |
Rožių g. 19 |
Įstaiga | Šiaulių psichikos sveikatos centras | |
Pagalba | Visos paslaugos | |
Kontaktai | (8 6) 558 0069, (8 4) 159 1453 | Adresas: Gumbinės g. 33C, (įėjimas prie Rezus.lt laboratorijos) |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Šiaulių psichologinių paslaugų centras | |
Pagalba | Visos paslaugos | |
Kontaktai | (8 6) 114 6464 | Adresas: Vytauto g. 131-1 |
Įstaiga | Šiaulių miesto pedagoginė psichologinė tarnyba (PPT) | |
Pagalba | Psichologinė pagalba ir kt. paslaugos
Daugiau → siauliuppt.lt |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 4) 152 6048 | Adresas: Pakalnės g. 6A,
LT-76293 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Alytaus poliklinika | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikatos centras | |
Kontaktai | (8 3) 153 6603 | Adresas: Naujoji g. 48,
LT-62381 |
Įstaiga | Alytaus miesto moterų krizių centras | |
Pagalba | Specializuotos pagalbos centras ir kitos teikiamos paslaugos
Daugiau → ammkc.lt |
Kontaktai | (8 3) 157 1170, (8 6) 115 4342 | Adresas: Topolių g. 10-18,
LT-63342 |
Įstaiga | LRKD Alytaus skyriaus socialinių ligų anoniminio konsultavimo kabinetas „Pasitikėjimas“ | |
Pagalba | Psichologinės pagalbos galimybės | |
Kontaktai | (8 3) 155 1548 | Adresas: Ligoninės g. 3,
LT-62114 |
Įstaiga | „MediCA klinika“ Psichikos sveikatos centras | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikata | |
Kontaktai | Adresas:
Naujoji g. 76-50, Alytus A. Baranausko g. 2, Garliava Šilutės pl. 38, Klaipėda Genių g. 2, Vilnius |
(8 3) 152 4100 (8 3) 739 3952 (8 46) 30 0721 (8 5) 248 3232 |
Įstaiga | Marijampolės savivaldybės Pedagoginė psichologinė tarnyba (iki 21 m.) | |
Pagalba | Paslaugos
Daugiau → mppt.lt |
Kontaktai | (8 3) 435 0472 | Adresas:
Bažnyčios g. 19 |
Įstaiga | Marijampolės socialinės pagalbos centras | |
Pagalba | Krizių centras | |
Kontaktai | Krizių c.: (8 6) 846 8554, centrasnetickampis@mspc.lt
MSPC: (8 3) 435 2287, centras@mspc.lt |
Adresas: Šešupės g. 5, Netičkampio k., Marijampolės sav.
Bažnyčios g. 19, Marijampolė |
Įstaiga | Marijampolės savivaldybės visuomenės sveikatos biuras | |
Pagalba | Psichologo konsultacijos | |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 6) 082 3913 |
Įstaiga | Utenos apskrities vyrų krizių centras | |
Pagalba | Individualios socialinio darbuotojo arba psichologo konsultacijos ir kt. | |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 6) 847 1056 | Adresas: Vaižganto g. 50-1, LT-28185 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Utenos pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centras | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikatos centras | |
Kontaktai | (8 3) 896 3770, (8 3) 896 3768 | Adresas: Aukštakalnio g. 5,
LT-28151 |
Įstaiga | Utenos šeimos ir vaiko gerovės centras | |
Pagalba | Individuali psichologo pagalba Utenos rajono gyventojams, išgyvenantiems krizines situacijas ir kt. | |
Kontaktai | (8 3) 896 1623, info@gerovescentras.utena.lm.lt | Adresas:
Vaižganto g. 50-1 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Tauragės rajono pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centras | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikatos centras | |
Kontaktai | (8 4) 466 2250, (8 4) 466 2269 | Adresas: Jūros g. 5,
LT-72212 |
Įstaiga | Tauragės rajono savivaldybės visuomenės sveikatos biuras | |
Pagalba | Individualios konsultacijos ir grupiniai užsiėmimai | |
Kontaktai | Registracija: (8 6) 074 1646 |
Įstaiga | VšĮ Telšių krizių centras | |
Pagalba | Paslaugos | |
Kontaktai | (8 4) 447 4282, telsiu@kriziucentras.lt
Specializuotos pagalbos centras: (8 6) 822 9459 |
Adresas: Džiugo g. 6,
LT-87117 |
Įstaiga | UAB Mažeikių psichinės sveikatos centras | |
Pagalba | Paslaugos | |
Kontaktai | MPSC: (8 4) 432 5337, (8 6) 862 0708
Dienos centras: (8 6) 152 9391 |
Vilties g. 12, LT-89239 |
Įstaiga | Jonavos raj. savivaldybės visuomenės sveikatos biuras | |
Pagalba | Nemokama ir anonimiška psichologo pagalba Jonavos raj. gyventojams | |
Kontaktai | (8 3) 493 1064 | Adresas: Vasario 16-osios g. 31 (įėjimas iš kairiojo pastato šono) |
Įstaiga | Kėdainių pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centras | |
Pagalba | Psichikos sveikatos skyrius | |
Kontaktai | Suaugusiems: (8 3) 476 1434, info@kedainiupspc.lt
Vaikams: (8 3) 476 7090, (8 3) 476 1555 |
Budrio g. 5 |
Final Event
It will be organized to raise awareness of mental health by presenting project results. Psychologists, coaches, and other mental health specialists will be invited to speak and discuss related issues.
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📱 For mobile devices: please tap on one of the titles below to expand it.
Active Youth Association
Vision Youth Action
Volunteers Initiative Nepal
Bridging The Gaps Organization
Center for Sustainable Development Studies
Active Youth Association
Active Youth is a for-purpose organization working with youth and communities in need in Lithuania and across borders. We have extensive experience in non-formal education, as well as a range of other topics. Most important among which: healthy lifestyle, human rights, elderly, migration, entrepreneurship. AY is one of the few NGOs seeking to engage in youth mental health. AY has been actively involved in local and international (youth) projects since the very start of its existence. Up until now, the organization has successfully implemented (getting just the highest scores from the evaluators) more than 25 separate project actions on its own (and several times that as a partner).
Vision Youth Action
Vision Youth Action is a youth lead non-profit voluntary organization working with the aim to promote volunteerism and international volunteer exchange in Taiwan and around the world. Founded in 2003, the organization counts today 9 staff specialized in different fields of public health, youth social engagement, education, community development, and international volunteering. Towards a sustainable society, VYA initiated community development projects related to youth development, mental support, women empowerment and quality education for children, housing justice, and toilet for a rural area in Nepal, Philippines, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka.
Volunteers Initiative Nepal
Volunteers Initiative Nepal is a non-governmental organization (NGO). VIN focuses on community-based projects involving and mobilizing local volunteers backed up by international volunteers in Nepal. VIN strategic focus revolves around four major pillars of development – Education, Health, Environment, Economy, and Basic infrastructure. To achieve this, VIN is empowering communities through the intervention of six different thematic programs: Youth Empowerment, Women’s empowerment, Children’s Development, Public Health, Medical Care, Environment Conservation, and Disaster Response.
Bridging The Gaps Organization
BTG Inc. is a non-governmental, non-profit, youth-led, youth-serving organization. It highlights the chief role of youth in mobilizing disadvantaged communities, engaging components of local and international societies. BTG advocacies in the organization’s four thematic pillars namely education, environmental sustainability, microfinance and entrepreneurship, and culture and heritage. With its large networks of youth organizations, local government units, and nonprofits, BTG has developed artillery of knowledge and proficiencies on social innovation, social ventures, and community mobilization.
Center for Sustainable Development Studies
Center for Sustainable Development Studies is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. CSDS mission is to empower and support youth by providing them with the skills and opportunities they need in order to become agents of sustainable change and development in their communities. CSDS uses non-formal education and training as the primary means of empowering individuals and capacity building for young people. They also focus on volunteering, particularly youth volunteering, as this provides a context for learning and practice, and a resource for delivering our programs and projects.
Active Youth Association
Vision Youth Action
Volunteers Initiative Nepal
Bridging The Gaps Organization
Center for Sustainable Development Studies
Active Youth Association
Active Youth is a for-purpose organization working with youth and communities in need in Lithuania and across borders. We have extensive experience in non-formal education, as well as a range of other topics. Most important among which: healthy lifestyle, human rights, elderly, migration, entrepreneurship. AY is one of the few NGOs seeking to engage in youth mental health. AY has been actively involved in local and international (youth) projects since the very start of its existence. Up until now, the organization has successfully implemented (getting just the highest scores from the evaluators) more than 25 separate project actions on its own (and several times that as a partner).
Vision Youth Action
Vision Youth Action is a youth lead non-profit voluntary organization working with the aim to promote volunteerism and international volunteer exchange in Taiwan and around the world. Founded in 2003, the organization counts today 9 staff specialized in different fields of public health, youth social engagement, education, community development, and international volunteering. Towards a sustainable society, VYA initiated community development projects related to youth development, mental support, women empowerment and quality education for children, housing justice, and toilet for a rural area in Nepal, Philippines, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka.
Volunteers Initiative Nepal
Volunteers Initiative Nepal is a non-governmental organization (NGO). VIN focuses on community-based projects involving and mobilizing local volunteers backed up by international volunteers in Nepal. VIN strategic focus revolves around four major pillars of development – Education, Health, Environment, Economy, and Basic infrastructure. To achieve this, VIN is empowering communities through the intervention of six different thematic programs: Youth Empowerment, Women’s empowerment, Children’s Development, Public Health, Medical Care, Environment Conservation, and Disaster Response.
Bridging The Gaps Organization
BTG Inc. is a non-governmental, non-profit, youth-led, youth-serving organization. It highlights the chief role of youth in mobilizing disadvantaged communities, engaging components of local and international societies. BTG advocacies in the organization’s four thematic pillars namely education, environmental sustainability, microfinance and entrepreneurship, and culture and heritage. With its large networks of youth organizations, local government units, and nonprofits, BTG has developed artillery of knowledge and proficiencies on social innovation, social ventures, and community mobilization.
Center for Sustainable Development Studies
Center for Sustainable Development Studies is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. CSDS mission is to empower and support youth by providing them with the skills and opportunities they need in order to become agents of sustainable change and development in their communities. CSDS uses non-formal education and training as the primary means of empowering individuals and capacity building for young people. They also focus on volunteering, particularly youth volunteering, as this provides a context for learning and practice, and a resource for delivering our programs and projects.
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